Terms and Conditions
I authorize R&R Dog Training in the event of an emergency- to transport my dog(s) to my veterinary care provider. However, should the event be life threatening, I authorize R&R Dog Training to transport my dog(s) to the nearest, open veterinary provider.
I authorize the R&R Dog Training staff to allow my dog(s) to mingle and socialize with other client's dogs. By authorizing this, I understand that I am liable for all and any injuries or illnesses that occur to my dog(s). I understand that the R&R Dog Training staff will do all possible to ensure the safety of the dogs.
I understand that if any damage is done to personal belongings, brought by me (the owner), R&R Dog Training is not responsible for reimbursing or replacing said items.
I authorize R&R Dog Training to post any pictures of my dog(s) taken while at The R&R Ranch, or during one-on-one sessions to social media accounts belonging to R&R Dog Training, including Facebook, Instagram and our website.